Rebecca Skillman
Certified Holistic Doula

About Me
Im a homeschooling mom of 6, living in Beulaville, on a 3.5 acre wanna-be homestead with my husband Steven. We got married in 2013.
From 2014 to 2023, I had 7 babies so obviously I found myself busy about childbirth. I had my last 2 babies at home including one unassisted birth and one surprise breech birth with a midwife.
The idea for Bearing Precious Seed LLC came from a desire to encompass my favorite interests: Childbearing, Herbalism & Spreading the Gospel (Psalm 126:6) BPS is also an acronym for Birth & Postpartum Services.
I began working on my doula training in 2020 and finished my certification March 2022. I dived headfirst plugging into the birth community of Eastern NC and getting to know fellow doulas and birthworkers. I volunteered free childbirth education in Duplin County since 2022 at the local Library and Wellness Center. I've also had the opportunity to teach childbirth education at community baby showers and worked on my own brand of Birth Class materials (Beulah Birth)
I am the only doula east of Goldsboro that is fully contracted with Medicaid.
In July 2024 I founded The Duplin Doulas & began mentoring other doulas
I support ALL births from scheduled cesarean to homebirth. I deeply care about other women and the way they are treated in birth.
Being a doula, for me, is a calling. I could never stop teaching or wanting to help women in labor.
As your doula, I always put myself in your shoes & treat you the way YOU want to be treated!